Friday, June 13, 2014

Jocassee in Panorama HDR - Nikon AW100s

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It had been two years since I had a chance to go back. I skipped last year due to starting a business and not having my best friend side kick and finally put it on the bucket list to go back this year.

Amazing views, this lake is one of a kind in the south east specially with no houses allowed.

Some of the best memories in the last decade have been me kayaking mostly SOLO here ( and btw I do NOT swim yet ;)

One of the best memories to date which came rushing back was teaching this strong little 6 yr old dude to kayak. On a leash for a few minutes then he took off !!! nicknamed little "Thor" because as little as he was at the time, he managed not only to pull his kayak in onto the shore but with me in it a few times.

I'll go as much as I can before I move and those little things will always be near and dear to my heart.