Thursday, March 27, 2014

LOGO Experiment - (Black Ink & Pencil)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Years ago ...

I started teaching myself photography. It all started with a tiny SUPER slow and basic Olympus camera gift as a trade for a major office install. I think it cost $80.

I grew up drawing and painting and watched my mother dabble in photography with her Yashika OLD school film camera.

As I got older and busier and busier drawing became out of the question. Electronics took over and having a great desktop background was honestly a treat having to stare at a screen all day everyday for school and work.

So digital photography made it finally fast and easy to pick back up a visual arts medium in a manner that's fast and affordable and benefited me a few fold: feed my need for artistic expression, a break from super high stress career and engineering life and art work for me and my sister.

In the process of teaching myself I realized a more subtle yet profound benefit. Starting this blog as a means to back up the SUPER good shots I wanted to never lose lead to the realization that I can look back at anytime to a set and see my life experiences through out the weeks, months, years in a filmstrip like story line.

fast forward from 2008 to 2010 when I met my best friend and who knew she shared the same spark for visual medium and photography.

Many hours of fun photo experiments, feeding off each other, road trips for pictures, pictures on road trips and daily life lead to some of the most satisfying and beautiful life experiences I can recall.

Over the years she well exceeded my skill set and took the bull by the horn and started a photography business of her own. She's an amazing portrait photographer now and watching her skill set improve over the years has been one of the things that I will always be proud of (to have been able to take part in the process at some level from the beginning).

That brings me to this LOGO idea. The contents were her idea and symbolic to her and I finally had the opportunity to use my drawing skills to help with a logo.

Created the first version over a year a go now but was not happy with it completely. My nature dictates, once you commit look for doing your best work in that commitment. If you do your best and doesn't satisfy then try harder.

With that internal wiring came the need to always be on the lookout for a better version of the logo. This particular rendition of the dandelion pod she came across and really liked.

I decided to take what was found and modify it slightly and hand draw it as version 2 (which may be the last version of a logo I could possibly contribute to). This started months ago in Nov/Dec and was a present but life interfered as it often does and things were delayed.

I never leave a project I start un finished, specially one that has this much of a symbolic meaning so as soon as I got through the day job, side business and tax duties I couldn't deffer it longer and HAD TO finish it.

This is where it stands ... my rule was to only attempt it 3 times and wrap up a version 2 that's worthy of her amazing photography skills and would obscure her final work less (the older logo was much larger).

Hope it helps and/or gets used someday. If not ... that's OK too ... I had to stick to my internal principles and finish what I started.