Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kitties: Lilo - LG G2

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of the best things I ever did was save these two fur balls.

Lilo came from a family who discovered her moving into a new home but due to allergy and her interactive nature they couldn't keep her.

I had already saved Lanky a few weeks back and they were the same 3-4lb size so my engineer logic kicks in and the thought was: hey, two buddies to grow up together and keep each other company while I'm tied up at work all day.

Well, the feisty nature runs in the Female variant in ALL of nature as it turns out.

For over a month it was kitten sized world war 3 in my house. With these two tiny fur balls duking it out over territory, alpha status and human slave attention.

To the point where I almost got rid of this little tabby fur ball in an attempt to protect the Gray Baby Lanky who's VERY VERY near and dear to my heart.

Thankfully after a few spanking and scruffings, this tiny tabby Lilo realized the real alpha was the human and she was going to stay and deal with the gray one.

Now they are sisters and get along and play all day (thank goodness).

But Lilo has grown to become very interactive and sweet. She's my doggie cat as I describe her.

Extremely interactive, talkative and bubbly. she's always at the door greeting me and hugging my leg no matter how long I've been gone ( even if just a few minutes outside to run errands) & practically ruining many pairs of pants.

These two girls have become wonderful company and as I'm "ALLOWED" to take pictures of them ( trust me ... these kitties do think I'm human slave & Lanky is anti pictures like me) I do so for memory sake.

We grow old, they grow old, someday I may not be able to document their fun/funny moments but for now I'll do so and archive here monthly for a safe cloud copy so I don't lose them.